Big hug to (((yknot))) who is a deeply caring person who sees the potential good in a person.
So long as the person is female.
based on this video shot from seattle, i think this 17-year african american teenage girl acted beyond normal expectation.
she is seen threatening or attempting to hit a law enforcement officer who was doing his duty.
the officer had to hit her face.
Big hug to (((yknot))) who is a deeply caring person who sees the potential good in a person.
So long as the person is female.
based on this video shot from seattle, i think this 17-year african american teenage girl acted beyond normal expectation.
she is seen threatening or attempting to hit a law enforcement officer who was doing his duty.
the officer had to hit her face.
Puts it in perspective, huh.
based on this video shot from seattle, i think this 17-year african american teenage girl acted beyond normal expectation.
she is seen threatening or attempting to hit a law enforcement officer who was doing his duty.
the officer had to hit her face.
What can happen when physical force is not used at the appropriate time:
based on this video shot from seattle, i think this 17-year african american teenage girl acted beyond normal expectation.
she is seen threatening or attempting to hit a law enforcement officer who was doing his duty.
the officer had to hit her face.
yknot, society does not agree with you. Physical non complience must be met with physical restraint, and punching is an acceptable use of force. She's very lucky he didn't throw her on the ground and put his knee in her back--that would have been much more tramatic for her. Given the situation, he acted professionaly, per his training, and was completely justified in his course of action. Put yourself in her position. Imagine ignoring an officer who is writing you a citation, yelling at him, and then rushing at him with your arms raised as he's restraining another person. Do you really think the officer is not going to use the quickest means necessary to bring you into complience? You're being completely irrational and unreasonable.
based on this video shot from seattle, i think this 17-year african american teenage girl acted beyond normal expectation.
she is seen threatening or attempting to hit a law enforcement officer who was doing his duty.
the officer had to hit her face.
I suppose cops should make some hot coco and and bring a box of kleenexes to deal with physically violent people.
based on this video shot from seattle, i think this 17-year african american teenage girl acted beyond normal expectation.
she is seen threatening or attempting to hit a law enforcement officer who was doing his duty.
the officer had to hit her face.
His punching her was an excessive use of force.
Wrong. It was an appropriate and restrained use of force.
based on this video shot from seattle, i think this 17-year african american teenage girl acted beyond normal expectation.
she is seen threatening or attempting to hit a law enforcement officer who was doing his duty.
the officer had to hit her face.
Like I said....... early intervention via removal from home and into state facility.
The discussion is not about what the officer does in his home. The discussion is not about this criminal's history. The discussion is not about whether the poor little lost lamb ever found Jesus. The discussion is about a group of two women physically assaulting and resisting arrest, and the appropriate response to that. Stay focused dear.
based on this video shot from seattle, i think this 17-year african american teenage girl acted beyond normal expectation.
she is seen threatening or attempting to hit a law enforcement officer who was doing his duty.
the officer had to hit her face.
yknot, you are off your rocker.
based on this video shot from seattle, i think this 17-year african american teenage girl acted beyond normal expectation.
she is seen threatening or attempting to hit a law enforcement officer who was doing his duty.
the officer had to hit her face.
I have no problem with her being charged, given a citation or being handcuffed...... what I have a problem with is an adult male (allegedly trained in tactical skills of taking down a 'bad guy') punching a female (any female) in the face.
Sexism at its finest.
based on this video shot from seattle, i think this 17-year african american teenage girl acted beyond normal expectation.
she is seen threatening or attempting to hit a law enforcement officer who was doing his duty.
the officer had to hit her face.
I am simply shocked at the condemnation and inaccurate vitriol spewed for a person simply doing his job--a necessary and thankless job.